Public Policy Failures in Nigeria

Author: Victoria Amarachi Okoronkwo | Nigeria is a nation that is said to be “flowing with milk and honey” because it is rich in natural resources yet suffers greatly from the “resource curse.” The “resource curse” refers to the predicament of many African nations that are rich in natural resources yet unable to ensure […]

Prospects of Government Effectiveness For Economic Sustainability in Africa

Author: James Ndukwe | Governance is a complex topic that affects politics, economy, and institutions. The indicators with the most significant economic implications include corruption (abuse of public office for private gain), government effectiveness (quality of public policies and services), regulatory quality (ability of the government to formulate and implement business-friendly policies and regulations), […]

The Paradox of Poverty Amidst Natural Resources in Africa

Author: Goodness Uchechukwu Okuli | Africa is replete with a superfluous deposit of natural resources. An estimated 12 percent of global oil reserves; 40 percent of global gold, chromium and platinum reserves; 30 percent of the world’s mineral resources; and 8 percent of all natural gas reserves are found in Africa. Notwithstanding, our continent […]

A Treatise on Sports Betting: Why it is Popular Among Nigerian Youths

Author: Daniel Ochowechi Echoda | Sports betting has become pervasive among Nigerian youths. Beyond the surface appeal of predicting match outcomes, other complex societal factors have also driven this issue. The aim of this article is to explore the issue of sports betting, shed light on why Nigerian youths are increasingly drawn to it, […]