Beyond textbooks, beyond technology: The forgotten key to climate adaptation lies within.

Author: Alamin Lawal Textbooks provide us with scientific knowledge, and technology drives forward innovation. Yet, in our pursuit of solutions, we often neglect a vital component: indigenous wisdom. For countless generations, communities living in harmony with their environments have embedded resilience into their daily lives, adapting to an ever-changing world through time-honored traditions. Can these […]

The role of Microfinance in addressing poverty in Subsaharan Africa

Author: Sylvester Elisha Microfinance institutions are crucial in reducing poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing financial services like small loans and insurance to those excluded from traditional banking. They focus on financial inclusion, poverty alleviation, and empowering the underprivileged (Armendariz and Morduch, 2010). These institutions have significantly enhanced access to financial services among the unbanked in […]