Students’ Role in The Attainment Sustainable Economic Development

Author: Precious Chibuike Ukaegbu | A Case-Study for Sustainable Development Goal 4–Quality Education  On the 15th of September 2022, while researching project plans for my social impact idea, I discovered the SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. As I meticulously perused each goal, I became interested in goals 1, 4, 5, and […]

AI’s Role in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

Author: Christopher Danlandi | My fascination with Sci-fi has always been ignited by cinematic depictions of futuristic landscapes. Among the array of science fiction films that have intrigued me, one standout is “Avatar”—probably because of the blue-colored alien characters. The movie set in the 22nd century movie portrays a narrative that emphasizes the importance […]

The Oil Pollution of Marine Environment in Nigeria: Dealing with Impending Catastrophe Today

Author: Lateef Modati | 1.0 Introduction Pollution in the maritime environment poses threats to its continued existence and health of aquatic life. The maritime environment provides vast opportunities to many Nigerian citizens as well as other residents which ultimately promotes the Nigerian economy. Beyond aquatic life being directly affected by pollution, the healthy status […]

Climate justice; who should we hold accountable?

Author: Musa Adamu Alkassim Given the present global trends, it is increasingly clear that climate change has escalated into an urgent global crisis necessitating accountability from every sector of society. Have you ever pondered who should genuinely bear the responsibility for the environmental degradation and social injustices that arise alongside this growing phenomenon? It is […]

Beyond textbooks, beyond technology: The forgotten key to climate adaptation lies within.

Author: Alamin Lawal Textbooks provide us with scientific knowledge, and technology drives forward innovation. Yet, in our pursuit of solutions, we often neglect a vital component: indigenous wisdom. For countless generations, communities living in harmony with their environments have embedded resilience into their daily lives, adapting to an ever-changing world through time-honored traditions. Can these […]