Balancing Innovation and Market Demand: The Entrepreneur’s Dilemma

Author: Janet Okochi Introduction Being an entrepreneur is exciting but also filled with challenges. These difficulties are essential for entrepreneurs to thrive, as they involve navigating the pressure between creating game-changing innovations and developing solutions that align with customer needs and demands. With this in mind, this study delves into examining the fears and difficulties […]

Exploring Nigeria’s Thriving Creative Industry: An Overview

Author: Lateef Modati | 1.0 Introduction  Creative business has become a dynamic, robust and undeniable force in today’s fast-paced and global village. Creative industries comprise a broad spectrum of economic pursuits that rely heavily on creativity. The digital era has brought a significant development to creativity through the internet and new technologies, and these […]

AI’s Role in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

Author: Christopher Danlandi | My fascination with Sci-fi has always been ignited by cinematic depictions of futuristic landscapes. Among the array of science fiction films that have intrigued me, one standout is “Avatar”—probably because of the blue-colored alien characters. The movie set in the 22nd century movie portrays a narrative that emphasizes the importance […]

Investing in Nigerian Youth for Industrial and Export Initiative

Author: Uko Ebenezer Digitalization has the potential to transform various sectors by creating a safe environment, facilitating seamless procedures, and generating job opportunities. In Nigeria, the motivation of young people, driven by their expertise in digital technology, has led to the development of innovative products and services aimed at fostering industrialization and a robust export-driven […]