Kenyan garments popularity rises internationally amid Industry Struggles.

  Copyright: Photo © Dominic Chavez/World Bank In the James Bond series, specifically the 7th novel by Ian Fleming, Goldfinger imparts a piece of wisdom to Mr. Bond. He mentions a saying from Chicago: “One is happenstance, twice is coincidence, the third time it’s enemy action.” This intriguing perspective on patterns and repetition becomes relevant […]

Changing Lives: Dora Moono Nyambe’s Mission for Rural Kids in Zambia

Dora Moono Nyambe – The Sun Prior to 2011, Zambia dazzled as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, proudly ascending to lower-middle-income nation status. However, the economic narrative took an unexpected turn, plunging into a consistent decline, reaching one of its worst moments in 2020 during the global pandemic. Despite the prevailing gloom with a […]

Youth Tech Informants: The visionaries empowering young Rwandans for a Digital Tomorrow

Graduates of the Youth Tech Informant Initiative in Rwanda In 2022, at the United Nations Assembly, Rwanda’s President, Paul Kagame, emphasized the inevitability of a digital future and presented evidence to underscore that the transformation is already in progress. Rwanda, under the president’s leadership, has taken significant steps toward achieving a digitally driven economy, envisioning […]